The Committee of Labour and Social Policy Studies of the Polish Academy of Sciences delivers the contest announcement by 31 January each year.

Individual and team publications may be submitted.

Scientific works must meet the criteria for scientific dissertation.

Contest publications with relevant opinion may be handed to the Secretary of the Committee by:

  • the Dean of Division I of the Polish Academy of Sciences,
  • directors of scientific institutions,
  • directors of units (directors of institutes) of universities,
  • directors of science publishers,
  • members of the Committee of Labour and Social Policy Studies,
  • editors-in-chief of academic journals.

The contest is open to books published during the year preceding the year of contest.

Contest works shall be submitted by 31 March.

Books with relevant items shall be sent to:

INSTYTUT PRACY I SPRAW SOCJALNYCH, pok. 7, ul. Bellottiego 3 b, 01-022 Warszawa

 with a note: “Konkurs Komitetu Nauk o Pracy i Polityce Społecznej” [Contest of the Committee of Labour and Social Policy Studies]


The assessment criteria for scientific publications are the following:

  • relevance of the arguments and their importance for the discipline development and for social and economic policy,
  • correct definition of the problem and of the paper’s goal,
  • correct methodology implementation,
  • scope and scale of research,
  • outstanding value of empirical data (theoretical and applied).

The assessment criteria for educational publications are the following:

  • relevance of the arguments,
  • educational value of the paper (sets of questions etc.),
  • large-scale application potential.

Each proposed books is analysed by two members of the selection board or members of the Committee.

The selection board selects publications in secret voting, acting by a simple majority.

The selection board decides on the type and value of prizes and recognitions. It may also recommend to award no prize.

The contest results are given by 30 June.

The decision to award a prize is taken by the Committee in a resolution based on the opinion of the selection board.


The Committee Presidium defines the date and place of the prize award ceremony.

The competition results are published in journals: “Polityka Społeczna”, “Problemy Polityki Społecznej”, “Zarządzanie Zasobami Ludzkimi” and on the Committee’s website.

The prizes and recognitions sponsors are enumerated or presented at the moment of results presentation.

Sponsors may award special prizes if the selection board preapproves the prize award criteria.